Ready to vote your voice? Make a plan to vote today →
Our mission is to [MISSION]. Want to help us get there? As a grassroots, people-powered organization, we rely on donations from our community to support our work. Your donations fund [CAMPAIGN SPECIFICS]. This #GivingTuesday, donate to [STATE TABLE]: [DONATION LINK] [Image Description: A graphic with a beige background with red and blue text that reads “This Giving Tuesday, support our work for a healthy democracy. Donate to [STATE TABLE].” Below the text is the blue State Voices logo and the [STATE TABLE] logo.]
Monique Brooks. Honee Daniels. Kassim Omar. Vanity Williams. And too many more. On Transgender Day of Remembrance, we’re honoring the transgender and gender-expansive people whose lives were taken by violence. In 2024, 74% of those killed in the U.S. in acts of anti-trans violence were people of color, and 48% were Black trans women. We remain committed to protecting trans rights and the ability for everyone to live freely as their most authentic selves. Learn their names and honor their lives: [Image Description: A graphic with a dark blue background with pink and blue text that reads “Protect Trans Rights and Lives! Transgender Day of Remembrance.” Above the text is the white and yellow State Voices logo and the [STATE TABLE] logo.]
November is Native American Heritage Month. This month is a reminder to acknowledge and uplift the rich history and present-day contributions of Native culture, community, and resistance movements. At [STATE TABLE], we’re committed to working alongside Native-led organizations to actualize Native communities’ sovereignty, self-determination, and ensure their needs are met and respected. You can follow and support Native-led organizations here: @National Urban Indian Family Coalition, @Native American Community Development Institute - NACDI, @Native Organizers Alliance, and [INSERT ANY LOCAL, NATIVE-LED ORGANIZATIONS] [INSERT LAND RECOGNITION FOLLOWING THESE GUIDELINES:] #NativeAmericanHeritageMonth [Image Description: A graphic with a yellow background with dark blue text that reads “Honoring Native American Heritage Month.” In the upper right corner is the blue State Voices logo. In the bottom left corner is the [STATE TABLE] logo.]
Our work is powered by the people, and we’re proud of everyone who showed up to vote for something important to you and your communities. It’s important to reflect on some of the important, local wins that we were able to accomplish together. [INSERT STATE SPECIFIC WINS] In the months and years ahead, we’ll work to protect our communities from any harmful policies — and we need you with us. Learn how to support our crucial work in 2025 and beyond at [LINK TO WEBSITE]. [Image Description: A graphic with a beige background with text that reads “In 2024, [STATE TABLE]: [INSERT WIN], [INSERT WIN], [INSERT WIN] ,[INSERT WIN]. Below the text is the blue State Voices logo and the [STATE TABLE] logo.]
Haven’t voted yet? TODAY is your last chance! Whether it’s the ability to make your most personal health care choices, quality public schools, well-paying jobs, equal rights, climate action, or affordable housing, your vote can make a big difference. Get your vote in today! Have questions, need help finding your polling location, or need to report a voting-related incident? Call or text 866-OUR-VOTE or visit to learn more. [Image Description: A graphic with a yellow background and blue text that reads “Happy Election Day! Have questions about voting? Call or text 866-OUR-VOTE (866-687-8683).” Above the text is the blue State Voices logo and the [ORG] logo.]
Happy Election Day! All year long, we’ve been working to expand access to the ballot box and protect our voting rights, and we’ve been thrilled to see the enthusiasm of voters making their voices heard this election season. If you haven’t voted yet, there’s still time to #VoteForSomething! Find a polling center near you and get out to vote today: [STATE’S POLLING CENTER LIST LINK] [Image Description: A graphic with white and yellow text on a dark blue background that says “Today is the LAST day to #VoteForSomething. Cast your vote by [TIME] today!” Above is the State Voices logo and the [ORG] logo. Beneath the text are three photos of voting booths.]
Not everyone in the U.S. is allowed to exercise their right to vote. Across the county, millions of people have been stripped of their voting rights due to a felony or misdemeanor conviction or are unable to cast their vote while in jail waiting for their trial. You don’t have to vote for everything this year — but vote for something in honor of those who can’t. Get ready to #VoteForSomething: [Image Description: Graphic that reads “Vote for those who can’t. 4.4 million Americans are barred from voting due to a felony conviction. #VoteForSomething.” The blue State Voices logo is the top center of the graphic.]
Right now, many people in jails are eligible to vote – but are being denied this essential right. Two out of three people currently in U.S. jails are waiting for their trial — meaning they haven’t been convicted of a crime and eligible to vote in every state. Many other people in jail are there because of a misdemeanor and are eligible to vote in 44 states. This unjust form of disenfranchisement has inequitable impacts. Black people makeup 43% of the pretrial detainee population. We all deserve the right to #VoteForSomething. Until our society unlocks the vote for all people presently or formerly incarcerated, I’m voting in their honor. Get resources for voter registration and voting from jail: [Image Description: Graphic that reads “Unlock the vote! Learn more: Voter registration and voting from jail.” The blue State Voices logo is in the upper left corner.]
At [organization], we believe everyone should have the right to cast a ballot, including people impacted by the justice system. Voting restoration laws for people who have been formerly incarcerated differ from state to state. This confusing patchwork of rules and restrictions makes it difficult for people to know whether or not they’re eligible to vote. Voting is the best way we have our voices heard and is so important to determining the future for ourselves and our communities. Unsure if you or a loved one is eligible to vote? Use the link below to check ⬇️ [Image Description: Graphic with white text on a dark blue background that says “Everyone should be able to cast a ballot.” Below in dark blue text on a yellow background is text that reads “End Felony Disenfranchisement. The white and yellow State Voices logo is in the top left.]
We want to make history in [STATE OR CITY] with the largest early voting turnout, and we need your help to make it happen! Join us for our #VoteForSomething Early Vote Rally on [DATE, TIME, LOCATION]. RSVP here: [REGISTRATION LINK] [Image Description: A dark blue and beige graphic with text that reads “Join us for a rally to get out the vote! [Insert Date/Time] Help us make history! #VoteForSomething.” In the bottom left corner is the blue State Voices logo and in the bottom right corner is the [Insert Org] logo.]
Are you ready to help Get Out The Vote in this crucial election? With the election just weeks away, now is the time to show up for the future you believe in and #VoteForSomething early. Join us for our #VoteForSomething Early Vote Rally on [DATE, TIME]. Register here: [REGISTRATION LINK] [Image Description: A blue and yellow graphic that reads “Join the Vote for Something Early Vote Rally! Get ready to vote with us! [Insert Location][Insert Date/Time] Learn more and RSVP at [Insert Website].” In the upper left is the blue State Voices logo and to the right is the [Insert Org] logo.]
No matter who you are, where you live, or what you believe in, there is something you can vote for this election…But only if you register to vote and make sure your voter status is active! It’s easy to register and check your status. The election is coming up fast, so it’s important to make your plan to vote today. Make sure you make your voice is heard on the issues you care about: [Image Description: A dark blue graphic that says “Register to vote today — and get ready to Vote For Something” in white text. The blue State Voices logo is at the bottom. Next to the text is a photo of a young Black woman with a shaved haircut smiling for the camera and holding a card that says “I voted.”]
We’re in the final stretch of the election, and everything from climate action to affordable housing is on the line. Your vote is your voice, and you have the power to make a real difference – but only if you’re registered to vote! Register, check your status, make a plan to vote and find additional resources here: [Image Description: A graphic that says “Your vote is your voice. Register today and get ready to Vote for Something” in a text bubble. The blue State Voices logo is toward the bottom right.]
Extreme politicians are counting on you to sit this election out, thinking you’re too tired, too overwhelmed or tuned out. But they don’t know just how powerful we can be. That’s why we’re launching a new #GetOutTheVote campaign with @StateVoices: 🗳️#VoteForSomething 🎉 Whether you’re voting for the ability to make your most personal healthcare choices, quality public schools, well-paying jobs, equal rights, climate action or affordable housing, your vote is your voice this year. Join the movement we’re building and get involved today at [Image Description: A tan graphic that says “Get ready to vote for something. Pledge to vote today at” Underneath is a photo of five young people of color smiling. Some are wearing glasses.]
We know that everything is on the line again this November. This election, we’re showing up and showing out to let politicians know that our issues, our lives, our people matter. You don’t have to fight every single battle, but if you do one thing, cast your vote! That’s why we’re launching a new campaign with @statevoices: #VoteForSomething, because there is something you can vote for as you head to the polls. Together with [STATE TABLE], you can make a difference on [ISSUE], or whatever issue matters most to you. Your vote is your voice this year. Use it! Join the movement today: [Image Description: A graphic that says “Make your voice heard for [INSERT ISSUE] with [INSERT ORG NAME]!” Underneath is a photo of a young Black man with glasses raising his fist and talking into a megaphone. The yellow and white State Voices logo is toward the top left.]
You don’t have to fight every single battle — we know there’s plenty — but if you do one thing, cast your vote this year and #VoteForSomething! Make sure you’re registered to vote today, because your vote will make a difference tomorrow. We're teaming up with @statevoices to make it easy to vote for something this November. Take the first step today: [Image Description: A tan graphic that says “Get ready to vote for something. Pledge to vote today at” Underneath is a photo of five young people of color smiling. Some are wearing glasses.]
You don’t have to vote for everything, but vote for something ✊🏾🗳️Whether you’re voting for the ability to make your most personal health care choices, quality public schools, well-paying jobs and affordable housing, equal rights, or bold climate action, your vote can make a big difference. How will you #VoteForSomething this year? Make sure you’re ready to vote today ⤵️ [Image Description: Image Description: A tan graphic that says “Your vote is your voice. Vote for something this election.” “Vote for something” is bolded and underlined The blue State Voices logo is centered above the text. Below the text are three images, a photo of vote by mail ballots, a ballot drop box, and a voting booth.]
Post 1: Right now, we’re preparing to protect our community from harmful policies and make sure all our needs are met. We’re ready for the moment ahead, but we’ll need your support along the way. This #GivingTuesday, donate to build power in [STATE]: [DONATION LINK] Post 2: [Image Description: A graphic with a beige background with red and blue text that reads “This Giving Tuesday, support our work for a healthy democracy. Donate to [STATE TABLE].” Below the text is the blue State Voices logo and the [STATE TABLE] logo.]
Post 1: On #TransDayOfRemembrance, we honor the transgender and gender-expansive people whose lives were taken by violence and recommit to protecting trans rights. Learn the names of those whose lives were unjustly taken by violence: Post 2: [Image Description: A graphic with a dark blue background with pink and blue text that reads “Protect Trans Rights and Lives! Transgender Day of Remembrance.” Above the text is the white and yellow State Voices logo and the [STATE TABLE] logo.]
Post 1: [STATE TABLE] is committed to working alongside Native-led organizations to actualize Native communities’ sovereignty and self-determination. This #NativeAmericanHeritageMonth, support Native-led organizations including @nativeorganizer, @WNVoices, and [INSERT ANY LOCAL, NATIVE-LED ORGANIZATIONS]. Post 2: [Image Description: A graphic with a yellow background with dark blue text that reads “Honoring Native American Heritage Month.” In the upper right corner is the blue State Voices logo. In the bottom left corner is the [STATE TABLE] logo.]
We’re taking a moment to recognize the people-powered wins we’ve secured this year as part of the @state_voices network. Take a look ⬇️ [Image Description: A graphic with a beige background with text that reads “In 2024, [STATE TABLE]: [INSERT WIN], [INSERT WIN], [INSERT WIN] ,[INSERT WIN]. Below the text is the blue State Voices logo and the [STATE TABLE] logo.]
Post 1: Happy #ElectionDay! Today is the LAST DAY to vote. Have questions, need help finding your polling location, or need to report a voting-related incident? Call or text 866-OUR-VOTE or visit to learn how to cast your ballot before the polls close. Post 2: [Image Description: A graphic with a yellow background and blue text that reads “Happy Election Day! Have questions about voting? Call or text 866-OUR-VOTE (866-687-8683).” Above the text is the blue State Voices logo and the [ORG] logo.]
Post 1: Today is #ElectionDay! If you haven’t voted yet, there’s still time to #VoteForSomething: 🗳️Polls are open until [TIME] 📍Find a polling center near you: [STATE’S POLLING CENTER LIST LINK] ❓Call or text 866-OUR-VOTE if you need support Post 2: [Image Description: A graphic with white and yellow text on a dark blue background that says “Today is the LAST day to #VoteForSomething. Cast your vote by [TIME] today!” Above is the State Voices logo and the [ORG] logo. Beneath the text are three photos of voting booths.]
Post 1: Too many people have had their essential right to vote stripped away because of a felony conviction. You don’t have to vote for everything this year — but vote for something in honor of those who can’t. Get ready to #VoteForSomething: Post 2: Image Description: Graphic that reads “Vote for those who can’t. 4.4 million Americans are barred from voting due to a felony conviction. #VoteForSomething.” The blue State Voices logo is the top center of the graphic.
Post 1: Most people in jail ARE eligible to vote but aren’t provided the opportunity to register or cast their ballot. We can #UnlockTheVote by calling on local officials to provide voter registration resources and access to #VoteForSomething. Learn more: Post 2: Image Description: Graphic that reads “Unlock the vote! Learn more: Voter registration and voting from jail.” The blue State Voices logo is in the upper left corner.
Post 1: Felony disenfranchisement is preventing millions of people from being able to vote, and it disproportionately affects Black communities. Everyone should be able to have a say in their future. #EndFelonyDisenfranchisement Unsure if you or a loved one is eligible to vote? Post 2: Image Description: Graphic with white text on a dark blue background that says “Everyone should be able to cast a ballot.” Below in dark blue text on a yellow background is text that reads “End Felony Disenfranchisement. The white and yellow State Voices logo is in the top left.
Post 1: You’re invited to make history at our #VoteForSomething Early Vote Rally! ⏰ WHEN: [TIME] 📍 WHERE: [LOCATION] ➡️ RSVP: [REGISTRATION LINK] See you there! Post 2: [Image Description: A dark blue and beige graphic with text that reads “Join us for a rally to get out the vote! [Insert Date/Time] Help us make history! #VoteForSomething.” In the bottom left corner is the blue State Voices logo and in the bottom right corner is the [Insert Org] logo.]
Post 1: Let’s make history with the largest early vote count ever 👏🏽 Bring your friends and family, get excited, and get ready to #VoteForSomething early at our Early Vote Rally! Join us on [DATE] at [TIME] RSVP here: [REGISTRATION LINK] Post 2: [Image Description: A graphic that reads “Join the Vote for Something Early Vote Rally! Get ready to vote with us! [Insert Location][Insert Date/Time] Learn more and RSVP at [Insert Website].” In the upper left is the State Voices logo and to the right is the [Insert Org] logo.]
Post 1: No matter who you are, where you live, or what you believe in, there is something you can vote for this election… But only if you register to vote and make sure your voter status is active! Don’t wait. Make sure you’re ready to vote today: Post 2: Image Description: A dark blue graphic that says “Register to vote today — and get ready to Vote For Something” in white text. The blue State Voices logo is at the bottom. Next to the text is a photo of a young Black woman with a shaved haircut smiling for the camera and holding a card that says “I voted.”
Post 1: Have you registered to vote? Checked your voter registration status lately? You have the power to make a difference this election, but only if you cast your vote. Visit the [STATE TABLE] website to make sure your voice is heard this fall: Post 2: Image Description: A graphic that says “Your vote is your voice. Register today and get ready to Vote for Something” in a text bubble. The blue State Voices logo is toward the bottom right.
Post 1: Extremists are counting on us to sit this election out – but we won’t let them win. Whatever issue matters most to you, it's on the ballot this year. You don’t have to vote for everything, but #VoteForSomething! Join our movement with @state_voices: Post 2: Image Description: A tan graphic that says “Get ready to vote for something. Pledge to vote today at” Underneath is a photo of five young people of color smiling. Some are wearing glasses.
Post 1: We know that everything is on the line again this election. But, we can’t let extremists win by not voting! That’s why we’re launching #VoteForSomething with @state_voices, because your voice matters. 🗳️Join [STATE TABLE] by stand up for [ISSUE]: Post 2: Image Description A graphic that says “Make your voice heard for [INSERT ISSUE] with [INSERT ORG NAME]!” Underneath is a photo of a young Black man with glasses raising his fist and talking into a megaphone. The yellow and white State Voices logo is toward the top left.
Post 1: Want to #VoteForSomething this year? The first step to ensure your voice is heard is making a plan to vote 📝 We’re joining @state_voices’ #VoteForSomething campaign to make it easy for you to plan your vote. Learn more and get registered today: Post 2: Image Description: A tan graphic that says “Get ready to vote for something. Pledge to vote today at” Underneath is a photo of five young people of color smiling. Some are wearing glasses.
Post 1: How will you #VoteForSomething this year? ✊🏾Our new campaign with @state_voices makes it easy to plan your vote. Don't lose your say in your future, get ready to vote for something today! ⤵️ Post 2: Image Description: A tan graphic that says “Your vote is your voice. Vote for something this election.” “Vote for something” is bolded and underlined The blue State Voices logo is centered above the text. Below the text are three images, a photo of vote by mail ballots, a ballot drop box, and a voting booth.
Our movement isn’t just about what we’re fighting against. It’s also about what we’re fighting for: freedom, liberation, and a world where we can all thrive and live in our full dignity. We’re ready for the fight ahead, but we’re going to need your support. Your donations fund [CAMPAIGN SPECIFICS]. Help build a [STATE] where everyone’s voices are heard and needs are met. Donate at the link in our bio. [Image Description: A graphic with a beige background with red and blue text that reads “This Giving Tuesday, support our work for a healthy democracy. Donate to [STATE TABLE].” Below the text is the blue State Voices logo and the [STATE TABLE] logo.]
Monique Brooks. Honee Daniels. Kassim Omar. Vanity Williams. And too many more. 🏳️⚧️ Today, we remember and honor the transgender and gender-expansive people whose lives were taken by violence. This year, 74% of people killed in the U.S. in acts of anti-trans violence were people of color, and 48% were Black trans women. We remain committed to protecting trans rights and the ability for everyone to live freely as their most authentic selves. #TransDayOfRemembrance [Image Description: A graphic with a dark blue background with pink and blue text that reads “Protect Trans Rights and Lives! Transgender Day of Remembrance.” Above the text is the white and yellow State Voices logo and the [STATE TABLE] logo.]
November is #NativeAmericanHeritageMonth. This month, and beyond, we recognize the deep history and continued presence of Native culture, community, and resistance movements. [STATE TABLE] is committed to working alongside Native-led organizations to actualize Native communities’ sovereignty and self-determination. Support Native-led organizations: @nativeorganizersalliance, @urbanindiancommunities,, and [INSERT ANY LOCAL, NATIVE-LED ORGANIZATIONS] [INSERT LAND RECOGNITION FOLLOWING THESE GUIDELINES:] [Image Description: A graphic with a yellow background with dark blue text that reads “Honoring Native American Heritage Month.” In the upper right corner is the blue State Voices logo. In the bottom left corner is the [STATE TABLE] logo.]
In 2024, you all showed up to #VoteForSomething important to you and your community. We’re proud of the people-powered wins that [STATE TABLE] accomplished as part of the @statevoices network. [INSERT STATE SPECIFIC WINS]. Now, we need you with us. Learn how to support our crucial work in 2025 and beyond at [LINK TO WEBSITE]. [Image Description: A graphic with a beige background with text that reads “In 2024, [STATE TABLE]: [INSERT WIN], [INSERT WIN], [INSERT WIN] ,[INSERT WIN]. Below the text is the blue State Voices logo and the [STATE TABLE] logo.]
Today is your last chance to #VoteForSomething! ❓Have questions? 📍Need help finding your polling location? 🚨Need to report a voting-related incident? Call or text 866-OUR-VOTE or visit t to learn how to cast your ballot before time is up. [Image Description: A graphic with a yellow background and blue text that reads “Happy Election Day! Have questions about voting? Call or text 866-OUR-VOTE (866-687-8683).” Above the text is the blue State Voices logo and the [ORG] logo.]
Haven’t voted yet? There are still a few hours left to #VoteForSomething! Your vote is your voice this election, so make sure you use it! In [STATE], polls are open until [TIME] today! Find a polling center near you at the link in our bio. Remember, if you’re in line by the time polls close, you can still vote! [Image Description: A graphic with white and yellow text on a dark blue background that says “Today is the LAST day to #VoteForSomething. Cast your vote by [TIME] today!” Above is the State Voices logo and the [ORG] logo. Beneath the text are three photos of voting booths.]
Many of us have a loved one who has been impacted by the justice system, and many of us know someone who has had their right to vote unjustly stripped away. You don’t have to vote for everything this year — but vote for something in honor of those who can’t. Get ready to #VoteForSomething at the link in our bio. [LINK FOR BIO:] [Image Description: Graphic that reads “Vote for those who can’t. 4.4 million Americans are barred from voting due to a felony conviction. #VoteForSomething.” The blue State Voices logo is the top center of the graphic.]
DYK the vast majority of people currently in jails are eligible to vote? But many aren’t provided the resources or access they need to cast their ballot. Two out of every three people currently in U.S. jails are waiting for their trial — meaning they haven’t been convicted of a crime and eligible to vote in every state. Many other people in jail are there because of a misdemeanor and are eligible to vote in 44 states. This unjust form of disenfranchisement has inequitable impacts. Black people makeup 43% of the pretrial detainee population. We all deserve the right to #VoteForSomething. Until our society unlocks the vote for all people presently or formerly incarcerated, I’m voting in their honor. Get resources for voter registration and voting from jail at the link in our bio. [Image Description: Graphic that reads “Unlock the vote! Learn more: Voter registration and voting from jail.” The blue State Voices logo is in the upper left corner.] [LINK FOR BIO:]
Felony disenfranchisement affects millions of people in the U.S., and it disproportionately affects Black communities. In 2022, 1 in 19 Black people of voting age were denied their right to vote due to a felony conviction. At [organization], we believe that EVERYONE should be able to make their voice heard, including those currently or previously incarcerated. Have you or a loved one been impacted by the justice system and unsure if you’re eligible to vote? Check your eligibility at the link in our bio. #EndFelonyDisenfranchisement [Image Description: Graphic with white text on a dark blue background that says “Everyone should be able to cast a ballot.” Below in dark blue text on a yellow background is text that reads “End Felony Disenfranchisement. The white and yellow State Voices logo is in the top left.] [LINK FOR BIO:]
You’re invited to make history at our #VoteForSomething Early Vote Rally! ⏰ WHEN: [TIME] 📍 WHERE: [LOCATION] 🗳️ WHY: Let’s get our community ready to make their voices heard and get the largest early vote turnout in recent history! Register at the link in our bio. [Image Description: A dark blue and beige graphic with text that reads “Join us for a rally to get out the vote! [Insert Date/Time] Help us make history! #VoteForSomething.” In the bottom left corner is the blue State Voices logo and in the bottom right corner is the [Insert Org] logo.]
🗳️ Who's ready to help #GetOutTheVote!? No matter who you are, where you live, what you believe in, or who you love, there is something you can vote for as you head to the polls this election. And the easiest way to make sure your voice is heard is to #VoteForSomething early! Join us as we get everyone amped up to #VoteEarly. [INSERT ADDITIONAL EVENT DETAILS] RSVP for our #VoteForSomething Early Vote Rally at the link in our bio. [Image Description: A blue and yellow graphic that reads “Join the Vote for Something Early Vote Rally! Get ready to vote with us! [Insert Location][Insert Date/Time] Learn more and RSVP at [Insert Website].” In the upper left is the blue State Voices logo and to the right is the [Insert Org] logo.]
No matter who you are, where you live, or what you believe in, there is something you can vote for this election…But only if you make sure you register to vote! The election is coming up fast, so confirm your voter status TODAY. Find out how at the link in our bio – and tell a friend! [Image Description: A dark blue graphic that says “Register to vote today — and get ready to Vote For Something” in white text. The blue State Voices logo is at the bottom. Next to the text is a photo of a young Black woman with a shaved haircut smiling for the camera and holding a card that says “I voted.”]
Have you registered to vote? Checked your voter status lately? You have the power to make a difference this election, but only if you make a plan to vote. Check the link in our bio to make sure your voice is heard this fall! [Image Description: A graphic that says “Your vote is your voice. Register today and get ready to Vote for Something” in a text bubble. The blue State Voices logo is toward the bottom right.]
Extreme politicians are counting on you to sit this election out, thinking you’re too tired, too overwhelmed or tuned out. But we know that no matter what happens, there’s always SOMETHING we can vote for. That’s why we’re launching a new #GetOutTheVote campaign with @StateVoices: 🗳️#VoteForSomething 🎉 No matter who you are, where you live, what you believe in or who you love, there is something YOU can vote for in 2024. You don’t have to fight every single battle, but if you do one thing, use your voice and cast your vote this year. Join the movement we’re building across the country! Learn more about #VoteForSomething and get involved at the link in our bio today. [Image Description: A tan graphic that says “Get ready to vote for something. Pledge to vote today at” Underneath is a photo of five young people of color smiling. Some are wearing glasses.]
This year, you can make your mark on what matters. Together with [STATE TABLE], you can make a difference on [ISSUE], or whatever issue matters most to you. That’s why we’re launching a new campaign with @statevoices: You don’t have to vote for everything, but #VoteForSomething this November! ✊🏾🗳️ Join the movement at the link in our bio. [Image Description: A graphic that says “Make your voice heard for [INSERT ISSUE] with [INSERT ORG NAME]!” Underneath is a photo of a young Black man with glasses raising his fist and talking into a megaphone. The yellow and white State Voices logo is toward the top left.]
Want to #VoteForSomething this year? The first step to ensure your voice is heard is making a plan to vote 📝 Make sure you’re registered to vote today, because your vote will make a difference tomorrow. You don’t have to fight every single battle — we know there’s plenty — but if you do one thing, cast your vote this year and #VoteForSomething. We’re here to help you get ready for this election! Use @statevoices vote ready tool to make your plan to vote at the link in our bio! [Image Description: A tan graphic that says “Get ready to vote for something. Pledge to vote today at” Underneath is a photo of five young people of color smiling. Some are wearing glasses.]
How will you #VoteForSomething this year? Whether it’s… 🏥 The ability to make your most personal healthcare choices 📚Quality public schools 👷♀️Well-paying jobs ✊🏾 Equal rights 🌎 Bold climate action 🏡 Affordable housing Your vote can make a big difference! We're joining @statevoices’ #VoteForSomething campaign to make it easy for you to plan your vote. Use the vote ready tool that's linked in our bio, and let us know what you’re voting for below! 🗳️ [Image Description: A tan graphic that says “Your vote is your voice. Vote for something this election.” “Vote for something” is bolded and underlined The blue State Voices logo is centered above the text. Below the text are three images, a photo of vote by mail ballots, a ballot drop box, and a voting booth.]
Our mission is to [MISSION]. Want to help us get there? As a grassroots, people-powered organization, we rely on donations from our community to support our work. Your donations will fund [CAMPAIGN SPECIFICS]. This #GivingTuesday, donate to [STATE TABLE]: [DONATION LINK] [Image Description: A graphic with a beige background with red and blue text that reads “This Giving Tuesday, support our work for a healthy democracy. Donate to [STATE TABLE].” Below the text is the blue State Voices logo and the [STATE TABLE] logo.]
On Transgender Day of Remembrance, we’re honoring the transgender and gender-expansive people whose lives were taken by violence. In 2024, 74% of those killed in the U.S. in acts of anti-trans violence were people of color, and 48% were Black trans women. We remain committed to protecting trans rights and the ability for everyone to live freely as their most authentic selves. Learn their names and honor their lives: [Image Description: A graphic with a dark blue background with pink and blue text that reads “Protect Trans Rights and Lives! Transgender Day of Remembrance.” Above the text is the white and yellow State Voices logo and the [STATE TABLE] logo.]
November is Native American Heritage Month. This month is a reminder to acknowledge and uplift the rich history and present-day contributions of Native culture, community, and resistance movements. At [STATE TABLE], we’re committed to working alongside Native-led organizations to actualize Native communities’ sovereignty, self-determination, and ensure their needs are met and respected. This month, make sure to support Native-led organizations. Here a few to start with: Native American Community Development Institute: Native Organizers Alliance: [INSERT ANY LOCAL, NATIVE-LED ORGANIZATIONS] [INSERT LAND RECOGNITION FOLLOWING THESE GUIDELINES:] #NativeAmericanHeritageMonth [Image Description: A graphic with a yellow background with dark blue text that reads “Honoring Native American Heritage Month.” In the upper right corner is the blue State Voices logo. In the bottom left corner is the [STATE TABLE] logo.]
Our work is powered by the people, and we’re proud of everyone who showed up to vote for something important to you and your communities this year. Right now, it’s important to reflect on some of the important, local wins that we were able to accomplish together. [INSERT STATE SPECIFIC WINS] In the months and years ahead, we’ll work to protect our communities from any harmful policies – and we need you with us. Learn how to support our crucial work in 2025 and beyond at [LINK TO WEBSITE]. [Image Description: A graphic with a beige background with text that reads “In 2024, [STATE TABLE]: [INSERT WIN], [INSERT WIN], [INSERT WIN] ,[INSERT WIN]. Below the text is the blue State Voices logo and the [STATE TABLE] logo.]
If you haven’t voted yet, today is your last chance! Whether it’s the ability to make your most personal health care choices, quality public schools, well-paying jobs, equal rights, climate action, or affordable housing, your vote can make a big difference. Get your vote in today! Have questions, need help finding your polling location, or need to report a voting-related incident? Call or text 866-OUR-VOTE or visit to learn how to get your vote in today. [Image Description: A graphic with a yellow background and blue text that reads “Happy Election Day! Have questions about voting? Call or text 866-OUR-VOTE (866-687-8683).” Above the text is the blue State Voices logo and the [ORG] logo.]
Happy Election Day! All year long, we’ve been working to expand access to the ballot box and protect our voting rights, and we’ve been thrilled to see the enthusiasm of voters making their voices heard this election season. If you haven’t had a chance to vote yet, there’s still time! Polls are open until [TIME] today. Find a polling center near you and Vote For Something: [STATE’S POLLING CENTER LIST LINK] [Image Description: A graphic with white and yellow text on a dark blue background that says “Today is the LAST day to #VoteForSomething. Cast your vote by [TIME] today!” Above is the State Voices logo and the [ORG] logo. Beneath the text are three photos of voting booths.]
Not everyone in the U.S. is allowed to exercise their right to vote. Across the county, millions of people have been stripped of their voting rights due to a felony or misdemeanor conviction or are unable to cast their vote while in jail waiting for their trial. You don’t have to vote for everything this year — but vote for something in honor of those who can’t. Get ready to #VoteForSomething ahead of the 2024 Election: [Image Description: Graphic that reads “Vote for those who can’t. 4.4 million Americans are barred from voting due to a felony conviction. #VoteForSomething.” The blue State Voices logo is the top center of the graphic.]
Right now, many people in jails are eligible to vote but are being denied this essential right. Two out of three people currently in U.S. jails are waiting for their trial — meaning they haven’t been convicted of a crime and eligible to vote in every state. Many other people in jail are there because of a misdemeanor and are eligible to vote in 44 states. This unjust form of disenfranchisement has inequitable impacts. Black people makeup 43% of the pretrial detainee population. We need to ensure those in jail are able to exercise their right to vote. Get resources for voter registration and voting from jail: [Image Description: Graphic that reads “Unlock the vote! Learn more: Voter registration and voting from jail.” The blue State Voices logo is in the upper left corner.]
At [organization], we believe everyone should have the right to cast a ballot, including people impacted by the justice system. Voting restoration laws for people who have been formerly incarcerated differ from state to state. This confusing patchwork of laws makes it difficult for people to know whether or not they’re eligible to vote. Unsure if you or a loved one is eligible to vote? Check here: [Image Description: Graphic with white text on a dark blue background that says “Everyone should be able to cast a ballot.” Below in dark blue text on a yellow background is text that reads “End Felony Disenfranchisement. The white and yellow State Voices logo is in the top left.]
The election is just weeks away, and now is the time to show up for the future you believe in. Join us for our Vote For Something Early Vote Rally on [DATE, TIME]. Get ready to vote early, bring your friends and family, and get excited! Register here: [REGISTRATION LINK] [Image Description: A blue and yellow graphic that reads “Join the Vote for Something Early Vote Rally! Get ready to vote with us! [Insert Location][Insert Date/Time] Learn more and RSVP at [Insert Website].” In the upper left is the blue State Voices logo and to the right is the [Insert Org] logo.]
No matter who you are, where you live, or what you believe in, there is something you can vote for this election. But extreme politicians, voter fatigue or disillusionment, making sure all voters can be heard is going to take all hands on deck. That’s why [STATE TABLE] is working to make it easy for folks to find resources to register to vote, check their status, and make a plan to cast their ballot. Along with the national State Voices Network, we know voters want to Vote For Something – we just need to provide them tools to do it. Learn more: [Image Description: A dark blue graphic that says “Register to vote today — and get ready to Vote For Something” in white text. The blue State Voices logo is at the bottom. Next to the text is a photo of a young Black woman with a shaved haircut smiling for the camera and holding a card that says “I voted.”]
We’re in the final stretch to the 2024 election, and everything from climate action to affordable housing is on the line. We’re proud to work with the national State Voices network to meet the moment at [STATE TABLE] – getting our communities to register to vote, check their status, and ultimately Vote For Something. We know our communities have the power to make a real difference this fall, and we’re making sure they have the tools to be heard and build their collective power. Learn more about the work here: [Image Description: A graphic that says “Your vote is your voice. Register today and get ready to Vote for Something” in a text bubble. The blue State Voices logo is toward the bottom right.]